Allambie Real Estate - The Most Beautiful Place in Sydney

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Thinking of having a sea change? Allambie or Allambie Heights real estate in NSW might be an option for you personally. In fact the name is deserved by Allambie given to it, Allambie is obviously an aboriginal term which means "Peaceful place" and it rightfully so. The real estate of Allambie was dividied and sold in 1918 and is accessable to ocean shores and is near to Manly NSW.

Within the location, you'll find streets named after battle struggles or after political leaders of World War two. A part is all played by names like Owen Stanly, Libya Cresent, Derma, Tobruk, Anzio in the street homes of Allambie. You have your entire basic business needs like the local postoffice which opened in supermarkets, February 1961, Allambie and bakery Heights Public school and a community centre, if you were to buy the region. The suburb does not just appeal to Sydney's premium clients since you can find a range of retirement communities to spend your remaining days.

There are plenty of houses for sale in Allambie that not only check out the beach but are accessible to shops and services. The location is with and mainly households flats spread around the beach and road. You will find that the average home value in Allambie is around the $900,000 mark wil items will fare over $500,000.

Demographhics wise, you will find around 18200 individuals who live in Allambie and Allambie Heights with 72% of the citizens born in Australia. A little minority of the citizens are overseas from UK< Italy, New Zealand and china.

The age selection in Allambie Heights is equally distributed between those inside their early twenties and middle thirties with another half being people age over 40 years old. More Than 508 of the people are married and have children of the own with the main religion being that of Catholic and Anglican.

In the event that you intend on getting Allambie Real estate, expect to spend $1500 each month for the mortgage as property values are on the rise.