Another War is Possible
28. to 30. Mai 2004
The RAW WAR! is a mixed media exhibition and interactive artistic inquiry into global and local conflicts and strategies for handling them. Events such as 9-11 have raised the collective conciousness for planetary tensions. Since the destruction of the twin towers rifts have grown between people, countries and cultures. In the wake of this catastrophe intercultural cooperation and creative conflict management is more necessary than ever. In front of this background the Berlin artist network Memenet hasd ecided to build bridges instead of reinforcing boundaries.
The other focus of the RAW WAR! is on the microscopic struggles that are fought in daily life and is derived from the chosen venue for the event. The areal of the R.A.W.-Tempel is a social laboratory, in which new modes of cultural production are developed in conjunction with the surrounding community. In the day by day processes, friction and frustration are generated which cannot be processed properly and sicker into the fundament of the the space. RawWar is the badly needed exorcism of these psychosomatic sedimentations, with Boom Baking, Boom Boxing and (BOOM) a whole lot more ...
Date: 28. bis 30. Mai 2004 Location: RAW Tempel, Revaler/Warschauer - Friedrichshain - Berlin
Freitag, 28.05.2004: NomadicWarMachines
The happening begins on friday with a conversation about nomdaic war machines. The Institute for Nomadology reflects different dimensions of conflict, war and boundary-production on the basis of the experiences made during the Boundaries to Bridges Tour while travelling the road between Berlin and Dakar.
16.00 h
Mixed media presentation of the BTB Caravan.
19.00 h
Nomadic War Machines Panel and discussion
21.30 h
Film "Another travel is possible" Watch the Trailer
Samstag 29.05.2004: Actions and Workshops
- SUFi - serious urban fun
First International SUFi Gathering: Space Hijacking meets Fun-Gagement.
Cameras for a more transparent control society.
Doing nothing! Transcendental Meditation as cultural critique.
Actions are to be developed during the day which will be put into practice in the evening. Watch first Tube-Party in Berlin that came out of the workshops Tubeparty Film
Sonntag, 30.05.2004 Circus and Street Art Show
The festival culminates on sunday with a full day program. In the afternoon the childrens circus Zack! performs, while the paper pirates of the Wall Street Journal host the first berlin Street Art Battle. Guests are also invited to participate in the UnstableTennis tournament, provided that they have the necessary sport utensils (Laptops).
Freak Fight Party Dress(ed) to Get Dirty
In the twilight of the evening the Freak Fighting Club will be opened in the Franz Stenzer Hall. The performers of Clown Town Boom Boxing present their punching & hitting techniques and the deadly power of laughter. Afterwards the love drum & bass band, The Boom Bakers, pick up the party which they started at the Carneval of the Cultures, together with the DJs and VJs of the memenet.
On monday everything finishes off with amassively-multiplayer-urban-action: Reclaim the park