Real Estate Investing and Partying
A couple of nights ago I was invited to attend a gathering and having a vague knowledge of the party hosts, I just did not want to go.
The fact of the matter is that I have been asked to go to parties similar to this in the past where I don’t know the hosts, but at my girl friend's insistence, of course I end up in attendance.
How come I did not want to go?
I had, in my mind, created a false sense of fear of attending…without any real basis in reality.
I had pictured myself alone and awkward at the party, standing there in the corner of the room, earnestly trying to discover something to talk about - of course no matter how hard I tried, I always struggled to make a good connection with someone. There was no common ground, the convos were always awkward, plus the music playing too loud in the background and I was just plain miserable.
That is pretty much how I always used to picture myself at a party.
Haven’t we all been to parties like this before?
These are the parties you go to where you think to yourself you’d actually rather be getting a tooth removed at the dentist office than going through this torture….
What if I had pictured a different outcome instead?
So instead of being a loner, talking to no one in the corner…imagine if I had pictured being surrounded by people interested in what I had to say, taking part in great conversation, while relaxing music played on in the background, very relaxed and at ease, enjoying myself and my new found friends?
If had pictured THIS scenario instead, do you think I would have still wanted to not attend the event?
The Mindset that You Need to Develop to Successfully Flip Homes
Imagine for a moment being able to alter this sort of perception not just when faced with a party choice…but how about when you make your very first deal on flipping a house?
Lets say that you have worked your buns off for three years in order to begin your career in real estate and finally, after years, you have found the perfect home for purchase. All of the signs point to yes. You've finally found a fair price, you have financing, you are sure of your expenses and you are 90% sure of the price you will get when you finally sell the property.
Yet despite all this, you picture all going south, with the house sitting on the market for months and years, as you sit there, helpless, watching your profit deteriorate…
How successful can you possible be with this extremely pessimistic attitude?
You really don't stand a chance at all.
Now, instead, picture the house selling for 1/3 more than expected, in less than 30 days, with you walking away with a very tidy profit for you and your joint venture partners as well as your financers.
This is the mindset you must adopt. We like to call it the House Flipping Mindset.
This is not a guarantee that all will go as planned that all will go perfect just because you PERCEIVE it will...far from it. You really need an awesome strategy and gameplan of steps that lessens the chance of a really awful deal - so that you can position yourself in a position to recieve the value and wonderful feelings instead of thinking of the pain.
First and foremost to gain the house flipping mindset, and once you have mentally prepared be sure to then create a picture of success mentally and focus on all that you have to gain from the deal.
This is the mindset you need to flip houses and is the very first critical step to house flipping success.